Friday, January 11, 2013

Looking Back.

It's hard to believe that another year has come and gone.  I realize that we're already 11 days into January and thus this post is a bit late, but better late than never.  The year 2012 was another big one for us, full of changes and more ups than downs.  It marked the end of Matt's service in the Army, the end of my first nursing job, learning to deal with Colorado wildfires, summer in St. Louis, a move north to the Boulder area and adjusting to apartment living, Matt starting his MBA program at CU, a new job for me at Avista, and probably the biggest event of all, being pregnant with Baby J.  It was a year full of change and excitement, and I suspect 2013 will bring us even more of both.

We had a wonderful Christmas back in St. Louis with our family and was a much needed visit for both of us.  Our New Year was rather uneventful: I rang in 2013 at work and poor Matt was under the weather with an awful head cold.  I usually try to make a few resolutions for the New Year but opted not to this year.  I never seem to follow through on my resolutions and instead have an overarching goal for the year (and many to come): embrace impending motherhood and be the best new mom I can be to my coming child.  I know that our world is going to be turned upside down come April and while I am incredibly excited there is also a bit of trepidation about becoming a first time parent with our major support system two and half states away.  Of course, I believe these feelings are completely normal for any first time parent and I am incredibly grateful that I have a husband as wonderful as Matt to begin this new adventure with.

Speaking of Baby J, today marks 28 weeks which is the beginning of the third trimester!  I truly cannot believe that we are just three months away from meeting this child.  The reality is starting to sink in as we begin to prepare for Baby J's arrival; we purchased the crib and set it up in our room last week!  Baby J is one active little babe and I feel him or her moving around constantly and it seems to be especially fun to kick me in the right side or under my ribs.  I have a feeling this kid may have inherited Matt's athleticism as he or she delivers some powerful kicks--it's pretty to crazy to be able to watch my shirt jump when baby kicks.  I am still feeling great and feeling truly blessed that this has been a relatively easy pregnancy thus far.  Here's to the last three months!!

1 comment:

  1. So happy to hear about baby kicks and jumping shirts! Love to all of you, Mom J.
