I think it's safe to say that spring has finally arrived and is sticking around. The weather has been absolutely gorgeous and we've been taking advantage of it every chance we get. While I've heard it's possible to still get snow until May out here, I have a feeling we saw the last snowfall a few weeks ago. It was definitely a mild winter but I'm not complaining at all. As much as I love snow, I've been itching for warm weather and spring/summer for a while now. I have to say though, spring out here is a bit different than I'm used to: it's not nearly as green out here. I miss all the lush green yards, leafy trees, and colorful flowers. I do love the mountains though so I suppose it's a trade-off. :)
Other than enjoying the great weather, we really haven't been up to much. I've been counting down the weeks left at work (10 left including this week) and Matt has been enjoying his time off. We'll be heading back to St. Louis for most of the month of July so get ready for some Matt and Ellen time family and friends in St. Louis!! We're incredibly excited for our trip back--we haven't been there since Thanksgiving so a visit is long overdue. Cooper will be joining us too so we'll be loading up the car and making the drive back before we know it. There's lots to accomplish before we take our extended vacation (house hunting, job hunting, and packing just to name a few) so I'm sure we'll be busy for the next 10 weeks.
On a more serious note, please take a moment out of your day to say a little prayer for our Soldiers still in harms way in Afghanistan. We have a number of friends that recently arrived over there for another deployment. Please just keep our Soldiers in your thoughts and prayers that they return home safe and sound next January.
Hope everyone is enjoying this lovely spring as much as we are!! :)
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